This inverter is called "online mono-conversion" because it has the same characteristics as a line inverter (no output cutoff), while having the inverter off. It combines the performance of online double conversion with those of offline.
When the network is present, the network is transmitted to the computer by the transfer switch via a saturation transformer.
The saturation transformer isolates the raw network from the computer, regulates the output voltage, eliminates noise, and eliminates surges caused by lightning. It also provides a power reserve of 12 ms between the disappearance of the network and the start of the inverter. This is the heart of the inverter.
The battery is recharged by a small charger powered by the saturation transformer
The inverter is off, it starts when the raw current disappears, the start-up time is compensated by the energy stored in the transformer, which makes it possible to have no break output.