Gamme Triton Isolation transformers

Three phase galvanic isolation tranformer

Galvanic isolation is a principle of isolating functional sections of electrical systems to prevent current flow; no direct conduction path is permitted. Energy or information can still be exchanged between the sections by other means, such as capacitance, induction or electromagnetic waves, or by optical, acoustic or mechanical means.

Galvanic isolation is used where two or more electric circuits must communicate, but their grounds may be at different potentials. It is an effective method of breaking ground loops by preventing unwanted current from flowing between two units sharing a ground conductor. Galvanic isolation is also used for safety, preventing accidental current from reaching ground through a person's body.


Source : Wikipedia (


Transformer can only convert voltage and CANNOT convert frequency.

Transformer CANNOT convert single phase voltage to 3 phase voltage.

Input/output voltage, power rating and whether with shell of all transformers, can be customized according to clients' requirements.

PUGIP0401 - Transfo Triton 10 KVA TT

PUGIP0402 - Transfo Triton 20 KVA TT

PUGIP0403 - Transfo Triton 40 KVA TT

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